Monday, 7 February 2011

The Seamstress' Apprentice

There are a few things in sewing that one can't do alone. As described before, the last course was about changing into the potato sack called the toile, to then, in front of the whole class, stick pins into each other's in the hope to follow the shape of the body. The homework comprised of marking the position of the needles with a pencil.  We however had run out of time, so it felt sensible to retouch the position of the needles a bit, before attending to the main task.

Full focus on the task!
I am rather flexible but not so flexible to reach my back comfortably, and surely not to put needles into the right places without risking serious injuries. So I got lucky that friend Vidhya came over with the intention to learn how to do lasagna, which hubby was brewing one level below of my attempts to kill myself in a voodoo session with my toile. The good girl swiftly jumped in and showed quite some talent in pinning the thing together. 

The top bit is not looking too bad, enough room for movement around the shoulder blades, but it's darn difficult to make the transition from an size 8 waist to a size 12 rear. The front bulges, although I got confirmed by my training buddy that I have a really rather flat tummy, and the bit above the rear is always the problem. It seems that the darts are not 'darty' enough...

And then the solution actually lay in not pinning it away as a dart in North-South direction, but as a fold East-West. Still a bit of a bulge, but now the original darts have almost been folded in. So it might be a solution to put them back and there we are. The surprised exclamation of my apprentice as she looked up from her focussed work: 'Yay, it's a dress!'

So, now that I was neatly sitting in this template of a future dress, there was no getting out of it anymore. OK, we removed the needles in the back but in the end we had to cut open a few inches from the stitching in the back of the skirt as well, to free me from the prickly thing. 

Eventually I could attend to my actual homework, the marking of the needles. A pencil stroke on one side on top of the needle and from the other left and right of it, will help finding the right shape once the toile will be disassembled and 2-D again.

 Not sure how to deal with the rather small arm and neck hole, though. Well, there is always another Thursday to tell!

Ta ta

Friday, 4 February 2011

... more of toile

So yesterday was the day of truth. After having made my homework by tacking my toile together:
  • darts first, 
  • North-South ones ironed to the outside, East-West ones ironed down (well I got that wrong and ironed them up...)
  • then the sides
  • then top to bottom bit
  • then closing back only the skirt
there was more tacking to do in class
  • along the lines of neck, arm holes and back
  • then using those lines to tack over arm holes neck and one side of the back 
  • nipping little cuts so in tight bends it would fall nicely

And then was dress-up time. Two of us had their toiles finished and went off to change and help each other closing the back. Then in front of the whole class and the observing eye of Roger a lot of nipping happened. We had to pin down the toile to shape size which is a rather delicate thing to do especially around the boobs... whoops sorry, we call it 'bust' these days.

Didn't get round to taking a picture yet, but will before I get on with my new homework. Will show you next time.

Ta Ta